For more than three decades, Maryse Vermette has held management positions in public and private curbside recycling organizations in Quebec, Canada, pioneering developments in an activity sector that is essential to the quality of life of citizens and the growth of circular economy.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in urban planning from Université de Montréal and an MBA. Since 2008, she has been President and CEO of Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), a private non-profit organization that, since 2005 represents companies responsible to finance the costs of municipal curbside recycling services and that represents them also in the work leading to the modernization of the system based on the concept of extended producer responsibility.
She served on the boards of directors of several socio-economic organizations locally and abroad. She was appointed member of several governmental advisory committees, among which the Modernization of the Recycling Industry set up by the Ministry of Environment and Fight against Climate Change in 2019. She is also a member of the TEC Canada (The Executive Committee) network, a global partner of Vistage Worldwide, counting over 23,000 business leaders across the globe.