June 24, 2024

SPC Launches Inclusion & Representation in Packaging Collaborative

Paul Nowak interviews Camille Corr Chism to discuss packaging.

The team at the Sustainable Packaging Coalition is proud to announce the launch of our newest Collaborative: Inclusion & Representation in Packaging.

At SPC, we know that advancing true progress in sustainable packaging requires building a big tent, designing scalable solutions, and empowering people with diverse perspectives to guide our problem-solving.

That’s why we’re starting the Inclusion & Representation in Packaging Collaborative. 

With this Collaborative, we’re building on the guiding belief behind all of our SPC Collaboratives: that when we get experts from all sides of the packaging supply chain together, we can build a community centered around advancing solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time. 

Within the Inclusion & Representation in Packaging Collaborative community, we’ll work toward solutions that advance equity in packaging through initiatives like scholarships, storytelling series, consumer research, and more.

Register for the Inclusion & Representation in Packaging Collaborative’s First Meeting on July 17

People from historically marginalized communities have often had to think and work differently to achieve similar outcomes. By committing to elevating diverse perspectives, we’re really committing to elevating our industry’s ability to problem-solve, not just on issues of environmental justice, but on every packaging issue—from design to recycling and everything in between. The issues that we face, problems like pollution, climate change, and waste are bigger than any one company—but if we succeed in assembling a diverse coalition, we can make sure that our solutions are both scalable and equitable within a diversity of communities. 

To achieve our goals of advancing equity and diversity in our industry, we’ll follow the guidance of packaging leaders like Camille Corr Chism toward solutions that meet historically marginalized communities where they are and empower them to make meaningful change in sustainable packaging. 

“I have personally seen the power, creativity and innovation that can be unleashed when those who have been diminished are given an equitable space at the table,” said Paul Nowak, GreenBlue Executive Director. “The urgent need for new thinking is real, and I cannot wait to see the solutions that are driven by the Inclusion & Representation in Packaging Collaborative.”

“My vision for the Collaborative is to develop and recognize talent, leaders, and packaging experts that reflect global diversity,” Camille Corr Chism said. “Additionally, my vision for the future includes educating students about the field of packaging, recruiting, and bringing packaging alive to the best and the brightest in all communities.”

If you’re an SPC member interested in getting involved with this Collaborative, join us for our inaugural meeting on July 17 by registering here. If you have ideas for contributing to this Collaborative, you can reach out to us via email: collaboratives@greenblue.org. And if you’re interested in learning more about all of our Collaboratives, you can read more here